Variations on a Theme: Hex Sign Tour



Sometimes it takes seeing something away from home to appreciate your own backyard. When I saw the barn quilt in Michigan, I realized the barns in my own state of Pennsylvania have a specialized barn quilt that have been around since at least the early 1800s. Not being from Pennsylvania originally, I had heard of Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Signs but didn’t know much more than that they existed. I saw them on barns but never paid much attention.

That is, until now.

As I drove through the Berks Country Hex Trail, I could see that the Hex signs were varied and beautiful. The Hex Signs, also known as Barn Stars, take a utilitarian agricultural building and elevate it to a large scale piece of folk art.

CM Circa 1829_Fotor.jpgcm-hex-barn-silo_fotor


What a bonus to find an amazing mailbox along the way!



Look to the left and see the friend I made!


My new friend up close. So sweet.

When I stopped to take a picture of one of them the owner of the property was sitting out on his porch taking in the day. After asking if he minded if I took pictures of his barn, I complimented him on how beautiful his barn was. He proudly pointed out to me that the etching on the barn requires that the signs be painted directly on the barn which is dangerous and takes dedication.



Each hex sign is unique and some are quite elaborate!





Favorite Things: In Season


I drove by this mailbox a couple of weeks ago and thought how beautiful it was with the starkness of the heavily twigged tree above it. It looked like a nest to me, and the mailbox was camouflaged. I never noticed how it looked when the tree was in bloom but I will definitely keep an eye out in the future.

The change of seasons affords the opportunity to take notice of the now because it is fleeting. It got me thinking about the old adage- to everything a season. Time waits for no one. Turn, turn, turn- you get the idea!

This was re-enforced when I walked past my “Most Beautiful Mailbox” recently. It isn’t the season for it. Some things have a short window of time to be at its peak. It is special when we are there to enjoy it!


The “Most Beautiful Mailbox” out of season…


CM Most beautiful mailbox

…and in season!